
Soccer without Borders

The Soccer Without Borders program is effective across borders because of its adaptable framework. The Soccer Without Borders programs have three pillars- Soccer, Education, and Community- there is space within the program model for local adaptation, responding to the specific needs of a target population and the resources available. They create a team environment defined by consistent leaders, dynamic and relevant activities, and a culture of acceptance.

SWB’s program design is underpinned by foundations in research, mapped out by a logic model that outlines the pathway from inputs to impact, and monitored by a program rubric and coaching framework that ensures consistent fidelity to the model.  This process and feedback loop allows them to identify where and when the model is being fully implemented, where more resources and training are needed, and how program quality and safety is sustained during periods of growth. Direct-service programs operate with a range of resources, in different contexts, with different leaders, and face common but distinct challenges. Soccer without Borders meet kids where they are, meaning that there are many variables that are beyond anyone’s control. What they promise to control is the quality of the environment they create, the resources they provide, the preparedness of their staff, and the way they engage with the communities whom they serve.  

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