Adam Fraser appointed as Chief Executive of Laureus Sport for Good

Sport for development leader Adam Fraser has been appointed as the Chief Executive of Laureus Sport for Good Global, with effect from 1 October 2019.
Adam replaces Andy Griffiths, the outgoing Chief Executive, who will be leaving Laureus to take on a role with International Justice Mission as Regional President for Africa and Europe.
Adam steps into the role from his senior leadership position as Global Development Director of Laureus Sport for Good. Throughout his five years in the role, Adam oversaw global partnerships and development, led business and growth strategy, and worked to build new and innovative ways to drive funding into the Sport for Development sector as it plays an ever-increasing role in delivering against the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
Prior to joining Laureus, Adam was Communications Director with Benchmark Sport as well as Executive Director of the Sport Industry Group. In those twin roles he worked across multiple aspects of the sport industry and the sport for development sector, having begun his career as a journalist covering multiple angles of sport and its role in the world.
Edwin Moses, Chairman of Laureus Sport for Good, said: “Adam has been with Laureus Sport for Good for more than five years and, as Global Development Director, he has been a key member of the executive leadership team and significantly expanded our partnerships with funders around the world to facilitate the growth of our work. He has extensive experience in the sport for development sector, as well as in working in partnership with some of the most innovative and influential brands and athletes in world sport, and we believe he is perfectly placed to keep driving Laureus Sport for Good forward. Our thanks go to Andy for all his hard work as we have made enormous progress over the last four years.”
Adam Fraser, Global Chief Executive of Laureus Sport for Good, said: “The decision of Laureus Sport for Good's Trustees to make an internal appointment for this role is indicative of their belief in the organisation's direction of travel as we strive to achieve our vision of ending violence, discrimination and disadvantage through the power of sport, and is a testament to the whole team involved in delivering that work. It has been a pleasure being part of that team for more than five years and I am excited to continue delivering against the values that have driven Laureus Sport for Good for the past two decades.”