Kick IM Boxring receives presidential treatment

Last weekend, the Bellevue Palace in Berlin, home of the German President, witnessed its latest dose of Sport for Good.
Many companies, organizations and associations presented their volunteer work to the Federal President of Germany as part of the Citizen’s Festival. Laureus Sport for Good Foundation Germany was represented by Laureus Ambassador and 2008 Judo Olympic Champion Ole Bischof and the young people from the Kick IM Boxring project.
The project aims to achieve sustainable positive influence on young people, using the power of sport to tackle social problems and to bring them off the streets. In five locations in Berlin, children and young people have the opportunity to participate in a great boxing workout all free of charge. ‘Kick IM Boxring’ supports children and young people while teaching them values of responsibility, following rules, practice fairness, build relationships, and pursue active and meaningful leisure activities.
Ole Bischof was on site explaining the work of Laureus Sport for Good to the many visitors of the Festival:
"Sport helps to strengthen the positive self-perception of young people, reduce social anxiety, and provide a different approach to conflict with which minors can react to violence. My hat goes off to the project leaders and trainers with that they go through everyday but also for their determination and belief in these young people.
"I am happy that as Laureus Sport for Good Ambassador, I can have a role within the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation to help children and adolescents in Germany. It is frightening to see the issues many young people are facing today in Germany so it is our duty to stand with them, listen to them and work together to secure a better future for the next generation.”