Legendary gymnast takes boxing lesson from world champion middleweight at Laureus Summit

Have you ever seen an Olympic gymnast take a boxing lesson from an undisputed world boxing champion?
Well, this was precisely what happened today at the Laureus Sport for Good Global Summit when five time Olympic gold medallist Nadia Comaneci was joined by the legendary Marvelous Marvin Hagler in a south London gym.
Marvelous Marvin Hagler and Nadia Comaneci were spending the last day of the Laureus Summit at a youth sports facility in south London along with other Laureus Academy Members Sean Fitzpatrick, Ilie Nastase, Franz Klammer, Mark Spitz, Hugo Porta, Mick Doohan, Dawn Fraser and Michael Johnson.
The Academy Members were there to learn first hand how Laureus-supported projects are using sport to help young people the world over.
To do this, project leaders from PeacePlayers International led a basketball session attended by Ilie Nastase and Nadia Comaneci.
The KickFair project was at the centre to hold a football session attended by Franz Klammer, Mick Doohan and Hugo Porta.
And leaders from the MYSA and Coaching for Hope projects led a touch rugby session with Sean Fitzpatrick and Mark Spitz.
Of course, organisers from Fight for Peace held a boxing workshop attended by Marvelous Marvin Hagler.
It was a really special experience for the project leaders to meet the Academy Members and to show them how their projects really can change the lives of children for the better.
To learn more about what Laureus-supported projects are doing accross the world, be sure to follow us on Twitter @LaureusSport