Michael Vaughan previews exciting Etape Suisse

Media from around the world joined Laureus Ambassador and English cricketing legend Michael Vaughan on a preview cycle in Gstaad, Switzerland earlier this week.
The cycle, which raised awareness around the Etape Suisse event which takes place in Davos in the Swiss Alps from 10-13 September 2015. The trip will give members and guests the chance to cycle with Cadel Evans, former Australian professional racing cyclist and winner of the 2011 Tour de France, and Rochelle Gilmore, racing cyclist, Commonwealth Games champion and owner and manager of the Wiggle Hond pro-cycling team.
The trip also launched Etape Suisse’s corporate sportive in Gstaad in June 2016. Comprising of cycling and networking, the trip in 2016 is in aid of the Laureus Sports for Good Foundation, which aims to raise over £1million for the charity.
Laureus Ambassador Michael Vaughan said:
"This was my first time cycling in Switzerland and it was great to be involved in such an exciting event, surrounded by amazing scenery. I'm delighted to support this event, which has the aim in 2016 of raising £1 million for the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, a charity I'm hugely passionate about which uses the power of sport as a tool for social change."